Monday, 12 April 2010

New Database on Aid Flows is a new online data resource on foreign aid:

The web platform links to a query-able database that contains almost 1 million development finance transfers from governments to recipients in developing countries or from international organizations to recipients in developing countries. It does not track FDI, trade, military assistance, or aid flows that originate from private foundations.

The database includes $4.2 trillion in development finance from 87 donors since 1945, and it lists nearly one million project records. AidData includes the official OECD information, but it also adds loans and grants from development banks and donors who do not report to the OECD. AidData provides much more descriptive detail on many of the largest projects, and it uses a categorization system that allows for much finer-grained coding.


  1. This is unrelated, but I can't figure out how to post a new discussion topic. I just read a really interesting article on microfinance. I think it's very interesting that such a huge portion of microfinance firms are struggling to get by on grants while others are taking a more aggressive approach and charging hugely high interest rates to make profits. Here's the article:

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Only Sandra and I can post new topics here, but you are free to use the DV409 Moodle page to send interesting links you find to other students.
